Monday, 16 May 2011

Chicken and Bacon Mash

So this is a recipe which originally came from all the left overs I had but it worked so well that it has become a bit of a regular!

Serves 4

1 small white onion
4 rashers of bacon
4 chicken breasts
1 packet of mushrooms
1 large butternut squash
Olive oil
Salt and pepper

1) Dice the onion and crush the garlic and fry in olive oil for a few minutes till soft.

2) Cut the chicken into chunks and add to the pan with a little salt and pepper. One the chicken is cooked on the outside add the bacon, chopped. Once the bacon has changed colour add the mushroom and cook until all the meat is cooked, on a low heat to make sure it stays tender.

3) Meanwhile boil the butternut squash and mash with a little butter and salt and pepper.

4) Serve the chicken and bacon on the mash.

Friday, 6 May 2011

Spanish Chicken

So my favourite Schwartz have come through again!

They have created these great spice packs which help you create delicious meals very easily!

They do contain some yeast and wheat products but only a very minimal amount as they are essentially just spices.

This one is my favourite but the Chicken Tikka is great too - and you can just substitute non-paleo ingredients such as milk for paleo friendly versions like coconut milk.

Spanish Chicken
1 yellow pepper
1 onion
4 chicken breasts
4 rashers of smoky bacon
1 tin of tomatoes
Olive oil

1) Dice the onion and chop the pepper and chicken into chunks.

2) Fry the onion in olive oil until brown. Add the chicken and bacon and some of the spice mix until the chicken in white then add the pepper and the rest of the spice mix and cook for a few minutes longer.

3) Add the tin of tomatoes, the olives and some water if necessary. Now simmer for 20 minutes until the sauce has reduced and is nice and thick.

4) Serve with whatever you like - roasted veg, butternut squash or cauliflower rice! My favourite however is to stuff roasted peppers with the sauce.

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Chicken and Parsley Soup

This is a really nice chunky soup - and nice and light for the nice warm days we've been having recently!

Chicken and Parsley Soup
1 chicken breast
1 large leek
2 sticks of celery
2 carrots
1 small white onion
1 handful of chopped fresh parsley
2 garlic cloves
1 knob of butter
3/4 pint boullion stock (you can use any but I would definitely recommend this one)

1) Cut everything up into small pieces, including the chicken, and roughly chop the parsley
2) Fry the onion, garlic and leek for a few minutes in a knob of butter with some pepper.
3) Add the chicken and cook for a few minutes until sealed.
4) Add the carrots and celery and parsley and cook for a further 5 minutes on a low heat with the lid on, stirring occasionally.
5) Add the stock and simmer for 15 mins.

This makes three hearty portions! Feel free to add any veg you like, but I would say the parsley and celery really make this good!